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Manage Blocks

Each blocks can be managed or configured for its site-wide behaviour. (Example: you can configure a block in a course separately from a block in the Dashboard page).

Update the global block settings:

Block settings site-wide

  1. Login with your Administrator account

  2. Navigate to the Site administration page

  3. Go to Plugins tab > Blocks > Manage blocks

  4. Blocks site wide settings may be available or not depending on the blocks (blocks with settings option are directly available from Blocks section as well)

  5. Check for Settings option on your desired block (if available)

Under the manage blocks page, blocks can be hidden, locked or uninstalled (not recommended).

Hide block (Cross eye symbol) Makes the block unavailable to all the users

Lock : Locking and unlocking the block can be done from here. Locking the block means the block instances are protected from Trainers/Users and non privileged users to move, hide or delete the block.

Configuring a block instance

Configure your block on a course page/dashboard or home page.

Configure Featured Courses block

  1. Navigate to the page where you would like to configure the featured course block.

  2. Turn on editing

  3. Now you should see the cog icon on top right corner of the block

  4. Click on the cog icon > select configure Featured Courses block

  5. Set your desired Title, Subtitle, Button text, Button link (no required unless redirecting somewhere else), Hover text, Hover accent, Image → Visible/Hidden, Price → Visible/Hidden, Enrol button → Visible/Hidden, Enrol button text and from the Search box select the courses to be displayed under Featured Courses block

  6. Set any extra margin (usually not recommended) and select where this block will appear

Tip: You can easily add or remove the courses you want to feature from the search box. Click on cross to remove and select the course to add from the search box.

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